Probably one of most well know pests that we work with everyday is mice. Of course, there are many different versions of mice….the cute cuddly “wouldn’t hurt a fly Disney movie” type, and then there is the festy, dirty, blood sucking type. The version that people have in their home, tends to be more attributed to the customers personality than the rodents themselves. We all have preconceptions, and this is no more relevant when it comes to mice than any other pest. But…..we’ve all seen the mice plague images on the new that farmers have to deal with all the time.
Cute & Cuddly
Image credit:
Not so much…..
Mice Problems
No matter where you live, chances are you’ve probably had a mice problem in your home at some point. It only takes a small gap in a wall, hole in the floor, gap in a roof tile, or even someone to leave a door slightly ajar for a hungry or a cold mouse to make it’s way into the warmth and food plentiful environment of the family home. For obvious reasons, mice tend to move into warmer and drier areas during the winter months. Obviously the best way to deal with mice in the home is to stop them coming in, in the first place, by blocking entrance areas.
However they are indeed cunning littler creatures and will indeed tend to find a way in even after you’ve made it impossible for them to enter. So we thought it a good idea to look at some “humane” method of preventing, or removing mice from the family home. has some interesting strategies.
1. Keep your home clean
Many times, mice are drawn into homes on the search for food. If there is nothing to eat, mice will be less likely to stay. Keep all food stored properly in airtight containers or in places that are safe from mouse attack.
OK this is reasonable, and rather simple and obvious, Let’s look at their next tip!
2. Apply peppermint oil
Peppermint oil is a natural deterrent. The smell is simply too intense for rodents and they will not try to go near it. It also helps to mask the scent of any tasty morsels that have been missed when cleaning. It also gives the house a lovely smell, and is not toxic, unlike many synthetic chemical treatments. You can get peppermint oil in most health food stores and even some major grocery stores.
Not bad, not bad at all. Finding peppermint oil in your local supermarket or at least in your local health food store is likely. They go on to mention the best method of application is to use a cotton ball and place them near areas they might frequent, such as under the fridge, in cupboards, and garbage bin areas.
Below is a cool video and proof:
3. Use dried snake feces
Visit a local reptile center, zoo, or pet store and ask for some dried snake poo. You can also sometimes find someone who owns a pet snake. Place near entrances and in places where mice seem to go. This will keep mice away.
- Be sure to keep the feces out of the reach of children and pets.
Yes your heard right……snake poop. It does however make complete sense. Snakes are the natural predator of rodents. I’m not sure about you but having 1 or 2 mice in the home might actually be preferable than having snake poop in the house, but each to their own I suppose.
4. Mothballs
An article at discusses some of the myths surrounding strategies to get rid of mice. One of the long time wifes tails is Mothballs. But do they work? According to the article it works as follows:
Place mothballs around your home in key rodent locations and hotspots such as in attics and basements. If you have spotted a nest in your home, it is suggested that you place the mothballs near the entrance.
Does it work?
Mothballs are believed to be a natural rodent repellent because they contain naphthalene, which when inhaled or ingested can cause blood cells to lose their ability to carry oxygen.
Although mothballs carry enough naphthalene to deter moths, it is not enough to repel rodents. In fact, the amount needed is the same needed to affect humans.
In some cases, the limited effect of mothballs on rodents often leads people to overuse the product, which can lead to health complications due to the levels of naphthalene in the air.
Using mothballs as a natural rodent repellent is Not Advised.
5. Ultrasonic Rodent Repeller
The next section in also discusses the ultrasonic method.
Purchase an ultrasonic rodent repeller from your local DIY store and simply plug it into a free socket, preferably one near a rodent hotspot or entry point.
They suggest this does not work at all. There is some evidence however that they will work for a short time until they rodents work out they are not in danger.
Below is a video explaining a little more about the strategy:
and another….
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