Food Safety Pest Control
That’s why all businesses involved anywhere along the food chain are required to control pests under the Australian Food Safety Standard 3.2.3.
Through our specialist Commercial Division, Murray Pest Control offers Industry Best Practice, environmentally friendly, EarthWise™ solutions across all business sectors. Our bar code scanning and web based reporting is fast and efficient. It also makes your record keeping and auditing easy!
Shops, schools, restaurants, pubs, hospitals, food processors, warehouses and service stations are just some examples of the wide variety of businesses that rely on Murray’s for effective pest management.
Contact Murray Pest Control for full details of our Commercial programs and a free, on site, no obligation quote.
We Service A Range Of Different Businesses
Restaurants and Pubs
Food Processors & Warehouses
Petrol Stations
There are just some examples of the wide variety of businesses that rely on Murrays for effective pest management.
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